100 Bible Verses That Made America: Defining Moments That Shaped Our Enduring Foundation of Faith

100 Bible Verses That Made America: Defining Moments That Shaped Our Enduring Foundation of Faith

B. inggris Activity 4 listen to the rest of the conversation. answer the question

1. What is the problem?
2. what does Salma suggest to solve the problem?
3. does Adam agree with Salma's suggestion?
4. how many teams will join the competition?
5. who will be the judges?


Activity 4 listen to the rest of the conversation. answer the question

1. What is the problem?
2. what does Salma suggest to solve the problem?
3. does Adam agree with Salma's suggestion?
4. how many teams will join the competition?
5. who will be the judges?



Reading Comprehension:

1. What is the problem?

The problem is that only a few Students read their wall magazine because Students got bored with their wall magazine.

2. what does Salma suggest to solve the problem?

Salma suggests that they create a wall magazine competition this year.

3. does Adam agree with Salma's suggestion?

Yes, Adam agrees with Salma's suggestion.

4. how many teams will join the competition?

Many teams of students will join the wall magazine compettition.

5. who will be the judges?

Adam, Salma dan their teachers will be the judge of the wall magazine competition.


Jawaban dicetak tebal sekaligus penjelasan walaupun terdapat beberapa penjelasan yang hanya menggunakan asumsi karena tidak terdapat pada teks bacaan di soal dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. Apa masalahnya?

Permasalahannya hanya sedikit Siswa yang membaca majalah dindingnya karena Siswa bosan dengan majalah dindingnya.

2. Apa saran Salma untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut?

Salma menyarankan agar mereka membuat kompetisi majalah dinding tahun ini.

3. apakah Adam setuju dengan saran Salma?

Ya, Adam setuju dengan saran Salma.

4. berapa tim yang akan mengikuti kompetisi?

Banyak tim siswa yang akan mengikuti kompetisi majalah dinding.

5. siapa yang akan menjadi juri?

Adam, Salma dan guru-gurunya akan menjadi juri lomba majalah dinding. (jawaban ini berdasarkan asumsi pribadi)

Semoga membantu ya.